
Tianhong brand logo

The design elements adopt "T" and "H" letters as basic design graphics; "T" is the initials of the phonetic alphabet of the word "Tian", whose graphics are rainbow shapes after rain, integrating fashionable, beautiful and dynamic elements; "H" is the initials of the phonetic alphabet of the word "rainbow", expressing the desire of "Zheng Daren" to connect with brothers of customers and work hand in hand to depict a colorful future.

Jili brand Logo

The design elements adopt the "J" and "L" letters as basic design graphics, and "J" is the initials of the "Ji" word, which means "good luck" and "good luck" and "L" is the initials of the "Ji" word, which is the first letters of the "Ji" word. "J" and "L" are two mutually supportive human figures, representing Zhengda Company and the majority of customers to develop side by side, mutually beneficial and win-win.

No.9, Juliang Ave, Cheng'an Industrial Zone, Handan, Hebei
Qian'an Zhengda: North of Shuangma Road, Zhaodianzi Town, Qian'an, Tangshan, Hebei Province
Shanxi Zhengda: Houbei Industrial Park, Houma City, Shanxi Province


ADD:No. 9 Juliang Avenue, Chengan Industrial Zone, Handan City, Hebei Province
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